Our First Events - Reflections

Yesterday, I hosted the first Tempe Checkpoints running event at The Shop Beer Co, in partnership with Sole Sports Running Zone. This marked the second event I’ve put on since I started Exceptional Vibe and it left me reflecting on just how far things have progressed since I took this project on in October.

A quick recap: I left my previous role in late October and dove head-first into building this brand. I had a few ideas for events and a few conceptions of how my business would earn revenue. Now, a little over four months later, those conceptions have changed, more ideas have cropped up, and new opportunities that I could have never imagined have presented themselves. I made the first Sunday Dinner at the Duce happen, and I started Tempe Checkpoints. Flavors on Main, one of the first projects I took on, is happening in three days, and my calendar is filling up with more by the day. Things have moved quickly, and I’m having a blast.

The thing that has left me feeling sentimental about all this is the overwhelmingly positive response I have received from attendees, partners, the press, influencers, etc. I went into this with a genuine desire to help bolster and promote local restaurants, breweries, brands, and communities. I love Phoenix and Arizona as a whole, and I will always be an advocate for everything we have going on here. It seems that this genuine love for our city and state has shown through because while I am doing all I can to support those communities and businesses, I am also humbled and honored by the support they are showing me. My line of work is impossible without that support and I am incredibly grateful for it.

It’s a privilege to be a part of Arizona’s business community. Every conversation I have, whether it’s with a chef, a brewer, a business owner, or an employee of one of those, is exciting for me. I love hearing about what they are up to, what they are aiming for, and what challenges they face. I love to help them reach those goals and overcome those challenges. I will always strive to be a resource for people first. Whether it’s simply brainstorming new events or marketing strategies, or getting directly involved in the execution of those things, I’m just happy to be a part of it.

I suppose I don’t have any other reason for this blog post other than putting this gratitude out into the universe. My first two events were incredibly well received and the number of people paying attention to it all is growing daily. I am so excited to keep this momentum up and continue putting on exceptional experiences! Thanks for reading and on to the next thing!

See you at Flavors on Main!


What is Exceptional Vibe?